Saturday, October 27, 2007
Pat Buchanan's website openly endorses Ron Paul
In a huge positive development, Linda Muller, the lady who ran Pat Buchanan's website through two presidential campaigns, and is currently running the website, has posted the "Ron Paul: A New Hope" video on the Pat Buchanan website. This is an open and strong endorsement for Ron Paul for president.
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7:42 AM
Labels: 2008 elections, Pat Buchanan, republicans, Ron Paul
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It's a little scary when Pat Buchanan is endorsing Ron Paul, of all the Republicans. I've started respecting Buchanan more and more over the years, and this quasi-endorsement is definitely earning him a lot more respect in my book.
As have I. I think I had a negative reaction to him before because of all the negative press he got, but now with the power of the internet, I have learned that the mainstream does this to anyone that goes against their plans to destroy western culture and use western populations and economies to serve their interests.
I've been a fan for as long as I've known of Mr. Buchanan, and especially after reading his State of Emergency. It would be my dream ticket to see a Paul-Buchanan ticket, although it does not seem politically feasible.
What a pack of lies. Pat Buchanan protectionist does not endorse free-trader Ron Paul.
You Paulite nutters stoop so low its disgusting.
You've been misled.
Pat Buchanan and Ron Paul are very closely aligned. Pat Buchanan does believe in a more protectionist trade policy, but on issues like entangling alliances, non-interventionism, and small federal government, they ar every similar.
KineticReaction, dude, you have no idea what you are talking about.
Pat Buchanan wants tariffs to stop the offshoring, to mitigate the effect of foreign cheap labor.
Ron Paul, the Libertarian, wants to unilaterally lower US tariffs to zero, regardless of what other countries do. The NAFTA model deals stands in the way of unilateral zero tariffs, and that is the only reason Ron Paul voted against it.
Ron Paul = free trade Libertarian.
Buchanan = Real American patriot, not a free-traitor.
I acknowledged that they differed on trade policy, but they are similar in all other important respects.
I think that Ron Paul is correct on trade. Protecting a domestic industry from competition may be good for that industry in the short term, but what it does is increase prices for American workers and companies for whatever product the protected industry produced, and that makes American businesses in other industries less competitive, which weakens the economy overall and ends up hurting even the protected industry in the long-run, since a weaker economy = smaller market for their product.
Free trade means lower prices for Americans, which makes Americans more competitive. Cheaper food, cheaper electronics, cheaper fuel, all help Americans be more productive. Free trade allows for Americans to receive the absolute lowest prices for any given product.
What I believe hurts American businesses is not free trade, but tyrannical regulations. Reduce regulations and taxes and you will see American corporations invest their capital in the United States and dominate in value-added industries.
"Protecting a domestic industry from competition may be good for that industry in the short term..."
There go the free-traders ranting on about how great it is when America loses millions of manufacturing jobs to cheap foreign labor. Next the free-traders rant on about how great a guest worker program is for displacing workers in the service sector.
I seriously doubt those people who lost their jobs to cheap foreign labor will vote for another free-trader for the rest of their lives. And you all seem to forget the protectionist undertone the Republican Party has had since its inception.
The cost of goods coming from cheap labor China isn't lower. The Chinese government taxes their exports, and the manufacturer marks up the price, so the consumer never see's a drop in price in proportion to the quasi-slave labor wages.
6 out of 10 Republicans already have serious doubts about free-trade. The trade deficit is exponentially approaching 1 trillion dollars annually, so will generate millions more Democrat voters.
The only thing you Libertarians will accomplish is get more Democrats voted into office. I see allot of ignorant Paulites waltzing around saying, "Ain't Paul great, he voted against NAFTA" not knowing the reasons he voted against NAFTA.
This is a dishonest slight of hand trick!
----There go the free-traders ranting on about how great it is when America loses millions of manufacturing jobs to cheap foreign labor.-----
I don't think it's great but I think it's worse to artificially keep afloat non-competing industries by subsidizing them via protectionist trade policies. As I mentioned there is a price to be paid in protectionism: higher prices for American consumers, meaning higher prices for American workers and companies, and therefore a less competitive economy.
----Next the free-traders rant on about how great a guest worker program is for displacing workers in the service sector.----
I don't agree with a guest worker program as it means foreigners taking advantage of tax payer funded American infrastructure and social services, but if there was no welfare, and all costs for the guest workers were internalized rather than socialized (i.e. tolls on roads, no free health care or schools, etc), then a guest worker program would be good for Americans and it would create hubs of economic activity without incurring any costs on society on the whole.
-------6 out of 10 Republicans already have serious doubts about free-trade. The trade deficit is exponentially approaching 1 trillion dollars annually, so will generate millions more Democrat voters.-----------
The trade deficit is what it is only because Americans have been able to get away with it by spunging off of the government who pays them with dollars printed by the federal reserve. This will end as the dollar loses its value due too American currency having flooded the world market in the last decade.
The cost of goods coming from cheap labor China isn't lower. The Chinese government taxes their exports, and the manufacturer marks up the price, so the consumer never see's a drop in price in proportion to the quasi-slave labor wages.-----
That's plainly not true. The cost of a lot of manufactured good has gone down in the last few years as China has become the world's factory.
No. The price of goods coming from China is not cheaper then American goods. It is priced just like everything else is priced. The Chinese government through internal taxes and export tariffs takes a slice off, then the companies using Chinese slave labor marks up the price. When it hits the American consumer it is not worth the loss in high paying manufacturing jobs.
Ron Paul is a lie. A big lie. He tricks voters into thinking he is against the NAFTA model raw deal, but most voters won't look deeper. The deeper they look they will realize Ron Paul is the biggest free-trader globalist of them all. He wants to unilaterally lower US tariffs to zero regardless of what other countries do.
A Libertarian free-trader would totally destroy this country.
Oh by the way, good job IP spamming this poll:
--The trade deficit is what it is only because Americans have been able to get away with it by spunging off of the government who pays them with dollars printed by the federal reserve.--
The trade deficit only exists because using foreign cheap labor can make a bigger profit for the company that outsources. That is the only reason, all other explanations are lies from self-serving traitors.
---No. The price of goods coming from China is not cheaper then American goods. It is priced just like everything else is priced. The Chinese government through internal taxes and export tariffs takes a slice off, then the companies using Chinese slave labor marks up the price. ---
A 2006 study by Oxford Economic Forecasting stated that consumer prices are 0.5% lower because of cheap Chinese goods. But nevermind economic studies and basic economic logic that would dictate competition and cheap labor would drive prices down, you can continue believing in your theory.
----Ron Paul is a lie. A big lie. He tricks voters into thinking he is against the NAFTA model raw deal, but most voters won't look deeper. The deeper they look they will realize Ron Paul is the biggest free-trader globalist of them all. He wants to unilaterally lower US tariffs to zero regardless of what other countries do.----
Ron Paul is against global quasi-governmental organizations, which means WTO, NAFTA, etc, he is not against free trade.
He does not want tariffs of zero, but he does want to unilaterally lower tariffs like Hong Kong and let the consumer decide from where to buy.
---A Libertarian free-trader would totally destroy this country.---
Libertarianism would lead to a boom that you can scarcely imagine after having been conditioned to the slow death of the last 4 decades.
--The trade deficit only exists because using foreign cheap labor can make a bigger profit for the company that outsources. That is the only reason, all other explanations are lies from self-serving traitors.---
Trade deficits can NOT be sustained without fiat currency. American consumers would eventually run out of dollars and would no longer be able to purchase goods, domestically or from abroad,
if they didn't produce as much as they consume. They can only consume more than they produce because the US government prints dollars and the rest of the world accepts them.
Read about the 19th century, when Britain had a trade deficit with China. It eventually led to a war simply because Britain was running out of gold and needed something else to export to China (opium).
--A 2006 study by Oxford Economic Forecasting stated that consumer prices are 0.5% lower because of cheap Chinese goods.--
Well whoopty fricking do 0.5% cheaper goods at the cost of the middle class.
Ron Paul isn’t interested in opening foreign markets, the only thing Ron Paul is interested in is removing all US trade barriers.
Ron Paul thinks it saves the consumer money to purchase items made by cheap foreign labor. Ron Paul is wrong. Consumer items from China are just as expensive as ‘Made In America’. I still haven’t seen one example of how ‘Made In China’ is drastically cheaper then ‘Made In America’, especially at the cost of high paying manufacturing jobs.
The Chinese government through internal taxes and export tariffs on outgoing goods, marks up the price. (They get to purchase a 1st world military in the process, real stupid. Really really stupid and shortsighted.)
The company in China which manufactures the goods, marks up the price.
The warehouse which receives the items at the docks, marks up the price.
Meanwhile Joe 6-pack Republican wonders why taxes on the rich would hurt the American worker if capital is only used to invest in foreign countries and foreign workers.
Free-trade (with cheap labor as the only object) is destroying the Republican Party. Republican voters have already recoiled in horror, shouting with one voice, against Amnesty AND the guest worker proposal. The immigration issue is all about cheap foreign labor and Joe 6-pack knows it.
--Well whoopty fricking do 0.5% cheaper goods at the cost of the middle class.--
You're going to have to quantify how much 0.5% lower consumer prices helps the economy and quantify how much losing manufacturing jobs to China hurts the economy to be able to compare and make a credible judgement as to whether free trade is worth it. 0.5% doesn't sound like a lot but in the context of inflation and consumer prices, a 0.5% difference is notable.
--Ron Paul isn’t interested in opening foreign markets, the only thing Ron Paul is interested in is removing all US trade barriers.--
True. He believes there are advantages in letting consumers decide for themselves from which country they purchase from and get the lower possible price on the world market.
--Ron Paul thinks it saves the consumer money to purchase items made by cheap foreign labor. Ron Paul is wrong. Consumer items from China are just as expensive as ‘Made In America’.---
You're wrong, if they were just as expensive, then 'Made in America' products would not be losing out in the competition. Furthermore, various retailers in the US are competing with each other, and so they under-cut each other as much as possible. Your claim that they mark up the price to the level of American-made products is wrong. Their profit margin is as low as they can make it, so that they can take market share from their competitors. Again, this is basic economic logic, and you're ignoring it.
---Free-trade (with cheap labor as the only object) is destroying the Republican Party. Republican voters have already recoiled in horror, shouting with one voice, against Amnesty AND the guest worker proposal. The immigration issue is all about cheap foreign labor and Joe 6-pack knows it.---
Joe 6-pack feels betrayed. He and and his father's generation invested in America, not themselves. They were team-players, giving to the community, rather than hoarding for themselves, and now, when American through their sacrifice and hard work has become immensely prosperous, the rich in the nation have turned their backs on Joe 6-pack and have hired cheap labor to replace them. Joe 6-pack invested in America and now the rich has denied him his investment by refusing to hire him.
All that being said, I maintain Ron Paul is the greatest hope for America. He is against illegal immigration, and wants to cut the size of government, which only helps the Washington elite at the expense of the middle class.
--You're going to have to quantify how much 0.5% lower consumer prices helps the economy...--
I don't have to quantify anything. a 0.5% drop in price (inflation exluded) is not worth the loss of the middle class to cheap foreign labor.
--True. He (Ron Paul) believes there are advantages in letting consumers decide for themselves from which country they purchase from and get the lower possible price on the world market.--
Ron Paul is a suicidal nut. If Libertarians ran this country it would be a 3rd world nation.
--You're wrong, if they were just as expensive, then 'Made in America' products would not be losing out in the competition.--
The only reason 'Made in America' are losing competition is because Americans earn more then 50 cents an hour. Cheap labor is the only object to you slavers.
--Joe 6-pack feels betrayed.--
And all you free-traders do is get Democrats elected. Your goal is the destruction of the United States.
---I don't have to quantify anything. a 0.5% drop in price (inflation exluded) is not worth the loss of the middle class to cheap foreign labor.---
We're not weighing it against the loss of the middle class. America has not lost its middle class. We're weighing it against loss of a certain number of manufacturing jobs, a number that needs to be quantified.
--Ron Paul is a suicidal nut. If Libertarians ran this country it would be a 3rd world nation.--
You're wrong. Libertarianism would save America.
--The only reason 'Made in America' are losing competition is because Americans earn more then 50 cents an hour.--
--Cheap labor is the only object to you slavers.--
My objective is a prosperous and powerful America.
--And all you free-traders do is get Democrats elected. Your goal is the destruction of the United States.--
No, my goal is a transformation of America into a rising economy, instead of a sinking one.
Pat Buchanan would have been a great President. We would not have been stuck in Iraq. He would have revived US Manufacturing by increasing tariffs. Higher tariffs means companies that want to sell to Americans (and that is big-to be able to sell your product to americans) will find it cheaper to make products here rather than import. It is time we start making products here in the good ole USA again. I'm tired of buying cheap garbage from China. China does not care about quality. They care only about quanity. I have toys from the 1970's made in the USA that still work today. On the other hand, my son's Chinese made toys BREAK in 6 months. I'd rather pay a few bucks more for a product that will last PLUS knowing that I am employing my neighbor at the same time.
Say YES to higher tariffs and NO to Free traders. Of which Giuliani and McCain are the biggest dufus Free traders around. The only real Protectionists running on the Republican ticket are Duncan Hunter and Tom Tancredo. I am confused on Ron Paul(whether or not he is a free trader or Protectionist).
Ahh...boy do I wish Pat were running for president now.
The only reason 'Made in America' are losing competition is because Americans earn more then 50 cents an hour.
Your a fool. You Libertarians and Ron Paul nutters will do nothing but bring destruction to the United States. You are also an Algore personality:
Algore argues for free-trade.
Ross Perot argues for protectionism.
Well heres the text of the 1993 NAFTA debate:
AlGore says:
In 1987, before Mexico started lowering its taxes at the border, its tariffs, we had a $5.7 billion trade deficit with Mexico. After five years, the goods we make and sell into Mexico, the volume has been growing twice as fast as the good they make and sell in the United States. So, last year we had a 5.4 billion trade surplus. Now, if that trend continued for another two years, and NAFTA will, by removing those barriers, greatly accelerate it, we will have a larger trade surplus with Mexico than with any country in the entire world.
US Mexico trade ballance (from US perspective):
1985 -5.5 billion dollars
1986 -4.9 billion dollars
1987 -5.7 billion dollars
1988 -2.6 billion dollars
1989 -2.2 billion dollars
1990 -1.9 billion dollars
1991 +2.0 billion dollars
1992 +5.4 billion dollars
1993 +1.6 billion dollars
1994 +1.3 billion dollars
(NAFTA comes online, January 1st 1994)
1995 -15.8 billion dollars
1996 -17.5 billion dollars
1997 -14.5 billion dollars
1998 -15.9 billion dollars
1999 -22.8 billion dollars
2000 -24.6 billion dollars
2001 -30.0 billion dollars
2002 -37.1 billion dollars
2003 -40.4 billion dollars
2004 -45.0 billion dollars
2005 -49.7 billion dollars
2006 -64.3 billion dollars
2007 -60.0 billion dollars and counting...
Who's prediction turned out correct?
"The only real Protectionists running on the Republican ticket are Duncan Hunter and Tom Tancredo. I am confused on Ron Paul(whether or not he is a free trader or Protectionist)." Jimbo
The Ron Paul nutters are lying. Never believe them. Ron Paul 9Libertarians) lie about free-trade, and they also lie about Buchanan's endorsement.
Ron Paul has the standard Libertarian belief of unilateral free-trade which means it doesn't matter what other countries do, the nutters want the US to lower its tariffs to zero.
Ron Paul voted against the NAFTA model of trade because it wasn't suicidal enough for him.
You're wrong.
Ron Paul is the greatest hope for America and western civilization.
Al Gore predicted a trade surplus with Mexico and then did every thing he could all through the 90's to increase regulation and taxation which resulted in decreased industrial competitiveness and a trade deficit with Mexico.
Ron Paul would not do that. He is against intrusive regulations and taxes on American businesses.
What you fail to realize is that it's not too much freedom that's hurting American (i.e. free trade), it is too much intrusive regulation (the EPA, IRS, etc).
--You're wrong.--
You're wrong.
--Ron Paul is the greatest hope for America and western civilization.--
Ron Paul will sell more jobs to the lowest bidder, as if 3 million high paying manufacturing jobs wasn't enough. Any Libertarian like Ron Paul would totally anhilate the American middle class, and you would play your fiddle while Rome burns.
--Al Gore predicted a trade surplus with Mexico and then did every thing he could all through the 90's to increase regulation and taxation which resulted in decreased industrial competitiveness and a trade deficit with Mexico.--
Regulations like:
-Americans earning more then 50 cents an hour
-overtime pay
-retirement before 90
-any health care plan
-child labor laws
-OSHA regulations preventing the worker from inhaling poisonous gases.
--What you fail to realize is that it's not too much freedom that's hurting American (i.e. free trade), it is too much intrusive regulation (the EPA, IRS, etc).--
Regulations like:
-Americans earning more then 50 cents an hour
-overtime pay
-retirement before 90
-any health care plan
-child labor laws
-OSHA regulations preventing the worker from inhaling poisonous gases.
-------Ron Paul will sell more jobs to the lowest bidder, as if 3 million high paying manufacturing jobs wasn't enough.------------
Since when did you become such a socialist? Ron Paul will not own the jobs if he becomes president, the business owner will own the job and as a free man will be able to give it to any body he wants. That is what happens in a free society: people own their own business and can expand their business to whatever country they want.
-------Any Libertarian like Ron Paul would totally anhilate the American middle class, and you would play your fiddle while Rome burns.----------------
What is destroying America's middle class is not freedom, it is tyranny. The tyranny of legal tender laws, the tyranny of intrusive regulations that incur high compliance costs, etc.
---Al Gore predicted a trade surplus with Mexico and then did every thing he could all through the 90's to increase regulation and taxation which resulted in decreased industrial competitiveness and a trade deficit with Mexico.--
Regulations like:
-Americans earning more then 50 cents an hour
-overtime pay
-retirement before 90
-any health care plan
-child labor laws
-OSHA regulations preventing the worker from inhaling poisonous gases.-----------------------------------------
All of these regulations hurt the economy. In order for the government to be able to police these businesses to ensure compliance with these regulations, it needs to demand that all businesses submit forms to the government to get permission to engage in any economic activity. This drives the cost of doing business up as it necessitates a business have an army of lawyers/accountants to operate in the regulated market. A small mom-and-pop shop needs legal and accounting expertise just to operate legally in the socialist state you socialists have brought about.
--Since when did you become such a socialist?--
Since when did Libertarians start to lie like a Democrat.
--Ron Paul will not own the jobs if he becomes president--
Ron Paul will outsource far more American jobs then the managed NAFTA model of trade ever did.
--What is destroying America's middle class is not freedom--
Outsourcing is far more responsible in destroying the middle class then OSHA regulations. Regulation is is negligable in comparison to an 800 Billion dollar trade deficit.
--All of these regulations hurt the economy.--
Coming from a guy who thinks earning more then 50 cents an hour, employee retirement, minimum wage and child labor laws hurts the economy, your Libertarianish opinions don't mean much.
But you keep praising Communist China as being 'business friendly', while bashing the Joe 6-pack in America for earning too much money. Vote Ron Paul the Libertarian ra ra ra. People should realize what a Libertarian is: anarcho-capitalism.
---Ron Paul will outsource far more American jobs then the managed NAFTA model of trade ever did.---
Ron Paul will not own the jobs to outsource them, the business owners will and as free men will be able to expand their business to any nation they want.
---Outsourcing is far more responsible in destroying the middle class then OSHA regulations. Regulation is is negligable in comparison to an 800 Billion dollar trade deficit.--
1) Regulation is not negligible. Compliance to tax regulations alone incur a cost of $265 a year on the economy. The tax code is so complex now that it requires 66,000 pages to explain it all.
Ron Paul would end that by ending the IRS.
2) The money taken via taxation is squandered on over 700 bases in 130 countries around the world, the money going into the local economies of other countries where the bases are located rather than America.
Ron Paul would end that.
3) The trade deficit largely exists because America can print dollars and send them overseas in exchange for goods and services. Without fiat currency, America will be forced to produce as much as it consumes.
Ron Paul would end fiat currency and bring back the gold standard.
--Coming from a guy who thinks earning more then 50 cents an hour, employee retirement, minimum wage and child labor laws hurts the economy, your Libertarianish opinions don't mean much.---
It's funny that illegal aliens get way more than 50 cents an hour yet you think Americans would be getting that much if there were no government regulations. Re: child labor, you don't need regulations to prevent that, common law would do just fine invalidating illegitimate contracts like those between adults and minors too young to legally consent to a service contract.
You've lost your faith that America can prosper as a free nation, and now you look to a politician that will create more tyranny, in your belief that this will solve the problems that tyranny created in the first place.
--You've lost your faith that America can prosper as a free nation--
Freedom has nothing to do with free-trade. And since when do anarcho-capitalists had faith in anything but themselves? Its like listening to an atheist use the word "faith".
SO you have a right to tell someone they can't buy a product from outside the US? That's not freedom, that's tyranny.
-SO you have a right to tell someone they can't buy a product from outside the US? That's not freedom, that's tyranny.-
That is the dumbest statement i've heard in a week.
USC Article 1
Section 8. The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;
You are saying the US Constitution is tyranical.
GOT YA MOMENT! Libertarians say things are Constitutional when they aren't, and say things are UnConstitutional when they clearly are.
-Ron Paul would end fiat currency and bring back the gold standard.-
With a 800 billion (and exponentially rising) per year trade deficit, and gold reserves at about 250 billion dollars, the reserve would run out of gold in less then 6 months. Yeah real brilliant Paul nutters.
^ What good is the gold reserve if the US is just going to continue running huge trade deficits and letting its manufacturing base be exported? This has got to end, and putting an end to fiat borrow and spent would force that.
The US is running a huge trade deficit because the US lowered trade barriers with cheap foreign labor countries. And you Paul nutters want zero trade barriers? nuts
No one ever said Buchanan endorsed Paul. The article clearly says that his website endorsed him.
As far as the trade deficit, how could you be so lazy as to want to protect American enterprise by cutting out foreign competition?
The only way to outperform the rest of the world is to deregulate, to stop being lazy and complacent, and go back to the American traditions of hard work and individual liberty.
Protectionism will do nothing to serve America.
No one ever said Buchanan endorsed Paul. The article clearly says that his website endorsed him.
Websites don't endorse anyone. Websites are 0's and 1's stored on hard drives.
As far as the trade deficit, how could you be so lazy as to want to protect American enterprise by cutting out foreign competition?
The only way to outperform the rest of the world is to deregulate, to stop being lazy and complacent, and go back to the American traditions of hard work and individual liberty.
Protectionism will do nothing to serve America.
Oil (mostly imported) is almost $4.00, and you free traders are still denying reality.
What has to happen to open your eyes up, a million starving Americans, or a Chinese army invading Taiwan because we built their military up by exporting our jobs there.
The person who runs Pat Buchanan's website, which presumably is someone who Pat Buchanan trusts to represent his views, has strongly supported Ron Paul through her choice of articles to publish.
-------What has to happen to open your eyes up, a million starving Americans, or a Chinese army invading Taiwan because we built their military up by exporting our jobs there.-----------
No country could compete with a fiscally conservative America.
The reason why Americans are getting poorer is big government overstepping its constitutional bounds, not free trade.
No country could compete with a fiscally conservative America.
The reason why Americans are getting poorer is big government overstepping its constitutional bounds, not free trade.
There are plenty of countries competing fiscally with America. That is why the US has a 700 billion a year trade deficit. You free traders keep destroying jobs here.
The person who runs Pat Buchanan's website, which presumably is someone who Pat Buchanan trusts to represent his views, has strongly supported Ron Paul through her choice of articles to publish.
She runs a bunch of anti-illegal immigration websites. She will latch onto anyone that is against amnesty including Ron Paul.
Thats what happens with 1 issue wonders.
There are plenty of countries competing fiscally with America. That is why the US has a 700 billion a year trade deficit. You free traders keep destroying jobs here.
The problem is not free trade, the problem is illegal immigration, big government, and over-regulation hurting development.
She runs a bunch of anti-illegal immigration websites. She will latch onto anyone that is against amnesty including Ron Paul.
Thats what happens with 1 issue wonders.
Then why didn't she post as many stories about Tancredo as she did about Paul. Face it, Buchanan wouldn't let his website constantly promote Ron Paul unless he personally supports Paul.
Then why didn't she post as many stories about Tancredo as she did about Paul. Face it, Buchanan wouldn't let his website constantly promote Ron Paul unless he personally supports Paul.
Ron Paul sycophants manipulative like usual. A website isn't Pat Buchanan, it is a collection of 1's and O's. And a webmaster's opinions doesn't trump Pat Buchanan. That would be like letting a Senator's secretary rule the Senator.
You call us what you like, we'll continue working towards a limited federal.
Conservatives are more Limited then ever, thanks to free traders such as Ron Paul. When tens of millions of people lose their jobs to cheap foreign labor it tend to piss them off and vote Democrat.
America needs to be able to compete with foreign countries without protectionism.
It's over-regulation and taxes that has destroyed American industry, not free trade.
I see you Ronulans are on the prowl again.
And Linda Muller can take a flying hike. She's a 1 issue wonder, anti-illegal immigration, which means she supported losers like Tancredo.
All you have to do is go back and look up what the Free Traders said NAFTA would do for the USA vs. what has actually transpired. Perot's predictions of a "giant sucking sound" were dead on. If Buchanan endorsed Ron Paul he's having an attack of senility.
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